Wednesday, 4th October 2017 the conference «Avian influenza: a global threat» will be held at the Italian Ministry of Health headquarter in Rome (Via Giorgio Ribotta, 5 – Auditorium Biagio D’Alba).

Since January 1st, 2017 Italy has proudly taken over the  Presidency of the G7. The Italian Presidency intends to promote the One Health approach to strengthen the global health, highlighting the valuable contribution delivered by the veterinary public health sector.

In this respect, this conference pays special attention to avian influenza in birds, that continues to cause significant damage in poultry with serious public health implications. In this regard scientists and experts were invited to share their opinions and expertise in this area of research.

More specifically, great emphasis will be given to:

  • the analysis of the mechanisms that allow the virus to mutate from LPAI to HPAI
  • the new strategies for prevention and control of HPAI infections that originate from wild birds
  • the public health implications at the human/animal interface.

The convention will be held in English with simultaneous translation (Italian/English and English/Italian).


  • Beatrice Lorenzin
    Italian Ministry of Health
  • Ian Brown
    OIE/FAO/EU International Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza and Newcastle disease – Animal & Plant Health Agency (UK)
  • Ron Fouchier
    Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam (NL)
  • Isabella Monne
    National Reference Centre / OIE Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza & Newcastle Disease
    FAO Reference Centre for Animal Influenza and Newcastle Disease – Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IT)
  • Malik Peiris
    WHO H5 Reference Laboratory – Centre of Influenza Research – School of Public Health – University of Hong Kong (HK)
  • Kostas Stamoulis
    Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department, FAO
  • Matthew Stone
    Deputy Director General, International Standards and Science, OIE
  • David Swayne
    OIE Collaborating Centre on Research on Emerging Avian diseases – Southeast Poultry
    Research Laboratory, U.S. National Poultry
    Research Centre, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USA)
  • Katelijn Vandemaele
    Global Influenza Programme, WHO
  • Frank Verdonck
    European Food Safety Authority


Wednesday, 4th October 2017
Conference time: 8.00-17.00
Free registration
Deadline for registration: 15th September 2017

Full programme » On-line registration »


Ministry of Health
Via Giorgio Ribotta, 5, Roma
Auditorium Biagio D’Alba

Organizing Secretariat

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Phone: +39 049 8084180


Rome Fiumicino – Leonardo da Vinci – FCO

Rome Fiumicino – Leonardo da Vinci – FCO
Via dell’Aeroporto di Fiumicino, 320, 00054 Fiumicino, Rome
Phone: +39 06 65951

Rome Fiumicino Airport, named after Leonardo Da Vinci, is the major airport of Rome. It is one of the busies airports in Europe by passenger traffic with 40.5 milion passengers served in 2015. It is located in Fiumicino, 35 km west of Rome’s historic city centre and about 20 minutes by car from the hotel and the meeting venue. Public transportation (buses and trains to Rome Central Station) is available but we strongly recommend to take a taxi, which is the easiest and most rapid way to reache the venue.

Rome Ciampino – Giovan Battista Pastine – CIA

Rome Ciampiono – Giovan Battista Pastine – CIA
Via Appia Nuova, 1651, 00040 Rome
Phone: +39 06 794941


Rome Ciampino Airport, named after Giovanni Battista Pastine, is the second airport of Rome. It covers mainly international low-cost flights and is located 30 km from the city centre, about 25 minutes by car from the hotel and the meeting venue. We strongly recommend to take taxi, which is the easiest and most rapid way to reach the venue.