The Italian National Reference Centre for Beekeeping of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) will take part to the international symposium “Honey bee health symposium 2019. New approaches to the health of bees”, that will be held in Rome from 13th to 15th February.

The conference is organized by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana, in collaboration with Apimondia and the Italian Ministry of Health. The event will bring together beekeepers and international experts from the scientific community to foster research and share experiences and new practices in beekeeping to protect the health of bees and consumers.

In particular, the conference will address the following topics:

  • good beekeeping practices;
  • the diffusion of Aethina tumida, the small beetle of the hive;
  • investigations on the main bee diseases;
  • environmental contamination.

The IZSVe will represented by Franco Mutinelli, head of the National reference center for beekeeping and member of the scientific committee of the event. His talk will give an overview of the invasion of Aethina tumida in the European Union.

The symposium will alternate oral presentations, technical-practical sessions, and round tables. During the last day, participants will have the opportunity to join a technical tour to visit a professional beekeeping company nearby Rome.

More information about the event and how to participate are available on the website:

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