Lega Francesca

Francesca Lega | Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie Role Chemist
Structure SCS2 – Chemistry
Phone +39 049 8084343
E-mail flega@izsvenezie.it

Professional profile

Francesca Lega graduated in Chemistry from the University of Padua (Italy). She specialized in “Food Chemistry and Technologies” at the University of Bologna (Italy). From 1997 to 2005 she worked as a chemist for a private company in the field of water and beverage analysis. She has been a Chemistry manager at the Anabolic drugs Laboratory at IZSVe since 2005 and from 2010 onwards she has been the Head of Quality Assurance of the Chemistry Department. She is now head of the Anabolic drugs Laboratory at the Chemistry department.

Her research interests include drug and anabolic substance residues in animal matrices or food of animal origin focusing on the development of new analytical methods and possible discrimination criteria to identify illegal treatments. Her main fields of activity concern the development, validation and accreditation of analytical methods to detect anabolic residues in animal matrices by the HPLC-MSMS technique.

She also collaborates in the maintenance and development of the IZSVe Quality System.


  • S. Moretti, F. Lega, L. Rigoni, G. Saluti, D. Giusepponi, A. Gioiello, E. Manuali, R. Rossi, R. Galarini. Multiclass screening method to detect more than fifty banned substances in bovine bile and urine. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1032, 56-67.
  • G. Di Martino, A. Scollo, A. Garbo, F. Lega, A.L. Stefani, M. Vascellari, A. Natale, F. Zuliani, C. Zanardello, F. Tonon, L. Bonfanti. Impact of sexual maturity on the welfare of immunocastrated v. entire heavy female pigs. Animal, 2017, 1-7, Cambridge University Press.
  • F. Lega, R. Angeletti, R. Stella, L. Rigoni, G. Biancotto, D. Giusepponi, S. Moretti, G. Saluti, R. Galarini. Abuse of anabolic agents in beef cattle: could bile be a possible alternative matrix? Food Chem, 2017, 229, 188-197.
  • L. Bille, M. Toson, P. Bordin, M. Venuti, C. Casarotto, C. Benetti, F. Lega, M. Cocchi, M. Palei, G. Arcangeli and M. dalla Pozza. Correlation between the occurrence of Dinophysis sp blooms ad Okadaic acid presence in mussels farmed in marine environment of North-Eastern Italy: a preliminary study. Front Vet Sci doi:10.3389/conf.FVETS.2016.02.00061 oral presentation at “AquaEpi 20-22/09/2016 Oslo, Norvegia
  • G. Biancotto, R. Stella, F. Barrucci, F. Lega, R. Angeletti. Urinary concentrations of steroids in bulls under anabolic treatment by Revalor-XS® Implant. J Anal Methods Chem, 2016, ID8013175
  • R. Galarini, S. Moretti, S. Romanelli, F. Lega, L. Scrucca. Informatic tools to manage validation data of multiresidue analytical methods. Oral presentation MASSA 2015, 39-40, Alghero Italy.
  • R. Stella, G. Arrigoni, G. Biancotto, M. Krough, M. Vascellari, F. Lega, G. Pozza, R. Angeletti, I. Androghetto and P. James. Confirmation of Protein Biomarkers of Corticosteroids Treatment in Veal Calves Sampled under Fiel Conditions. Journal of Proteome Research, 2014, 13, 1794-1799.
  • F. Lega, L. Contiero, G. Biancotto, R. Angeletti. Determination of thyreostats in muscle and thyroid tissues by QuEChERS extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Food Addit Contam Part A, 30(6) (2013), 949-57.
  • G. Biancotto, R. Stella, G. Pozza, A. Stefani, F. Lega, R. Angeletti. Sub-therapeutic treatments of bulls with dexamethasone: direct and indirect markers of treatment. Food Addit Contam Part A, 30(3) (2013), 430-42.
  • R. Galarini, R. Buratti, L. Fioroni, L. Contiero, F. Lega. Development, validation and quality assurance of screening methods: a case of study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 700 (2011), 2-10.