
Accessibility refers to the ability of an IT system to provide services and usable information, without discrimination, even by those who, due to disabilities, require assistive technologies or particular configurations. Below the main references from Italian regulations on accessibility are reported, as well as the measures adopted to facilitate the accessibility of the website

Accessibility declaration according to Italian law>

Reference standards and regulations

The reference law for accessibility in Italy is Law n. 4/2004 (Stanca Law). Furthermore, with Legislative Decree n. 106/2018 Italy implemented the EU Directive 2016/2102, aimed at improving the accessibility of websites and mobile apps in the public sector of each Member State.

The Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) has therefore issued the Guidelines on the Accessibility of IT tools, in force since 10 January 2020, which direct Public Administrations to provide increasingly accessible services, created in compliance with standards. international reference technicians (WCAG 2.1, ETSI EN 301 549). accessibility

The website is based on WordPress, the  open-source Content Management System most widely used for the creation of dynamic websites. WordPress is developed and constantly updated according to programming standards aimed at guaranteeing the maximum possible accessibility of the websites based on it, adhering to the international technical reference standards (for more information: WordPress accessibility statements). The website is also based on the implementation of a specific WordPress theme, which is also developed and updated according to an orientation of maximum possible adherence to accessibility standards.

Also, while carrying out the activities of content management and technical updates of the website, the managing and editorial staff adopts where possible the technical measures that favor greater accessibility to the contents themselves (e.g. writing alternative descriptions for images; separation between contents and style through correct implementation of the HTML/CSS code; preference for PDF files with accessible formats and not scanned from images).

The website has been designed and developed in order to make the consultation of its contents as easy as possible, regardless of the type of device with which it is navigated (desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet), according to principles of responsive web design.

How to customize the accessibility of the website

The website adopts an artificial intelligence application that allows users with disabilities to customize the graphic interface and the navigation functions of the website according to their specific needs (eg epilepsy, low vision, cognitive disability , attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder).

The application also optimizes the website’s code, improving its compliance with technical standards on accessibility and making it compatible with screen-readers used by blind users.

To activate the customization of the graphic interface and navigation functions, it is possible to use the appropriate menu by clicking on the icon at the bottom left of the screen with the Universal Accessibility icon, as also indicated in the images below (click on the images to enlarge them).



Accessibility functions, screenshot 2


Despite the efforts to make the website accessible, we can’t guarantee that all pages are fully accessible for each category of users. Difficulties, irregularities or specific needs can be reported by contacting the website managing staff.

Communication unit
SCS0 – General Support Services
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Viale dell’Università 10, 35020, Legnaro (Padova) – Italy
Tel. +39 049 8084134 | E-mail: