Schiavon Eliana

Dirigente IZSVe Role Veterinarian
Structure Bovine Pathology, Breeding and Welfare Specialist Centre
SCT3 – Padova, Vicenza and Rovigo
Phone +39 049 8084275

Professional profile

Eliana Schiavon is a veterinarian at the IZSVe – SCT3 – Padova, Vicenza and Rovigo. She graduated in Veterinary medicine at the University of Padua in 1997. She achieved the specialization in Breeding, hygiene and pathology of the aquatic kinds (University of Udine, 2004) and in Technology and pathology of the avian kinds (University of Milan, 2008). She has acquired a specialization for the pig and beef cattle with good knowledge of the technologies of breeding and the diagnostic clinic.

Her main fields of activity concern the pig production and the compartment of beef cattle and the development and application of new diagnostic techniques to suit breeders’ needs. Consultations in breeding have complemented the laboratory activity on beef cattle, due to the relevance of this compartment on the territory. The diagnosis and the management of the respiratory pathologies of the beef cattle, the use of prophylaxis vaccinate and therapeutics have been notably studied and developed as they can cause serious economic damages.

She cooperates with the greatest stakeholders of the sector of the beef cattle, contracts of collaboration with the veterinary medicine.

She is involved in research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (RC IZSVe 22/08 Adaptation of the imported beef cattle: study on the reflexes of the artropaties on the comfort of the income animals; RC IZSVe 26/08 Salmonella in the swine: study of the prevalence and the factors of risk in the breedings of the Northeast).


  • Schiavon E., Rampin F., Bortoletto G., Leotti G., Tonon F., Iob L., Drigo M. (2011). Efficacia della vaccinazione per circovirus in allevamento con circolazione virale, ma con assenza di casi di PMWS Atti SIPAS XXXVII, 211-321
  • Emarcora M., Morassi R., Soriolo A., Piva R., Bregoli M., Schiavon E. (2010). Efficacia della tulatromicina in un episodio di cheratocongiuntivite infettiva bovina. Large Animal Review 16, 163-165
  • Di Martino G., Bonfanti L., Capello K., Patregnani T., Stefani A., Schiavon E., Gottardo F. (2010). Effetti della presenza della coda durante la fase di svezzamento nello sviluppo di lesioni in suinetti maschi e femmine. Atti SIPAS XXXVI, 313-321
  • Mutinelli F., Schiavon E., Carminato A., Granato A., Capello K., Rampin F., Morgante M. (2010). Metatarsus growth cartilage lesions in lame beef cattle: preliminary results. Vet Pathol 47 6 suppl S19
  • Mutinelli F., Schiavon E.,Ceglie L., Fasolato M., Natale A., Rampin F., Carminato A. (2010). Bovine besnoitiosis in imported cattle in Italy. Veterinary Parasitology Article in press
  • Rampin F., Schiavon E., Gobbo F., Iob L. (2010). BRD survey in north-east Italian beef cattle farms. XXVI World Buiatrics Congress. Santiago, Chile
  • Schiavon E., Carminato A., Zecchin G., Masiero D., Rampin F., Mutinelli F. (2010). Actinobacillosi in un bovino di razza Limousine: metodiche diagnostiche a confronto. Summa 9, 64-66
  • Schiavon E., Rampin F., Masiero D., Granato A., Mutinelli F. (2010). Miocardite da Histophilus somni nel bovino da carne: un caso clinico. Summa 7, 60-63
  • Bano L., Schiavon E., Drigo I., Gaspari L., Zanette G., Brino A., Fenicia L., Anniballi F., Agnoletti F., Rampin F., Alberton A., Bonfanti L., Barberio A., Ferrarese A.(2009). Episodi di botulismo bovino in Regione Veneto: aspetti clinici e diagnostici. Journal of the Italian Association for Buiatrics 4;2:3-10
  • Schiavon. E., Qualtieri K., Rampin F., Marchioro W., Vio D., Mutinelli F. (2008). Confronto tra immunofluorescenza indiretta e immunoistochimica nella diagnosi di PMWS. Atti S.I.Di.L.V. X, 290-291