Pozzato Nicola

Nicola Pozzato | Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie Role Veterinarian
Structure Forensic Veterinary Medicine Specialist Centre
SCT3 – Padova, Vicenza and Rovigo
Phone +39 045 500285
E-mail npozzato@izsvenezie.it

Professional profile

Nicola Pozzato is a veterinarian in charge of the Forensic Veterinary Medicine Specialist Centre at the SCT3 – Padova, Vicenza and Rovigo of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe). He has a PhD degree in comparative pathology of domestic and wild animals. He specializes in breeding, hygiene and pathology of aquatic species and control of derivative products. He also achieved a II level master in Forensic Veterinary Sciences.

His professional activity is focused on autopsy and consultancy activities relating to cases conferred by judicial police officers and cases with possible legal implications, and on diagnostic support relating to paratuberculosis in ruminants. He is the contact person for veterinary forensic medicine for the area under the responsibility of the IZSVe for the technical support of the judicial police activities involving domestic and wild animals.

His research interests focus on diagnostic and procedural improvement in animal poisoning cases and in diagnostic support for bovine diseases. He currently coordinates two research projects relating to animal poisoning and is active in a European network on bovine disease control. In addition, he collaborates with the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Naples (Italy) and with the Italian National Reference Centers for Veterinary Forensic Medicine and Paratuberculosis.


  • Tata A, Pallante I, Massaro A, Miano B, Bottazzari M, Fiorini P, Dal Prà M, Paganini L, Stefani A, De Buck J, Piro R, Pozzato N. (2021). Serum Metabolomic Profiles of Paratuberculosis Infected and Infectious Dairy Cattle by Ambient Mass Spectrometry. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7:625067
  • Pozzato N, Piva E, Pallante I, Bombana D, Stella R, Zanardello C, Tata A, Piro R (2020). Rapid detection of asperphenamate in a hay batch associated with constipation and deaths in dairy cattle. The application of DART-HRMS to veterinary forensic toxicology. Toxicon, 187, 122-128.
  • Piegari G, De Biase D, d’Aquino I, Prisco F, Fico R, Ilsami R, Pozzato N, Genovese A, Paciello O. (2019). Diagnosis of Drowning and the Value of the Diatom Test in Veterinary Forensic Pathology. Frontiers in veterinary science, 6, 404.
  • Fontana S, Pacciarini M, Boifava M, Pellesi R, Casto B, Gastaldelli M, Koehler H, Pozzato N, Casalinuovo F, Boniotti MB (2018). Development and evaluation of two multi-antigen serological assays for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. Journal of microbiological methods, 153, 118-126.
  • Tondo A, Adami I, Stefani E, Gastaldelli M, Capello K, Paganini L, Pozzato N (2014) Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in raw milk by direct qPCR assay. Proceedings of 12th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, June 22th – 26th, Parma, (IT), 107
  • Crovato S, Nadin A, Personeni F, Favero L, Pozzato N (2014) Bovine paratuberculosis in the dairy cattle population: testing an innovative model of blended learning. Proceedings of 12th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, June 22th – 26th, Parma, (IT), 114